Fee-for-Service Guidance
Fee for Service Projects
Are services routinely provided by an approved fee-for-service (FFS) at an established rate approved by the Controller’s Department Financial Accounting & Reporting Office and are characterized by:
- The service will be performed by a FFS established through ISU's Controller's Department
- The FFS provides the service to others on a recurring basis using the same or similar methods and techniques.
- Rates charged by the FFS must be approved by Controller’s Department prior to starting the fee-for-service operation.
- The service does not require project-specific approval from the IRB, IACUC, IBC or RSC; services provided pursuant to an approved, standing protocol that covers a class of services (i.e., an umbrella protocol) may be offered as fee-for-service.
- No new intellectual property is anticipated.
- Client owns the data and results except parties may agree that ISU will own rights to educational training materials.
- Any publishing rights rest with the client.
- No publications are anticipated by ISU faculty, staff or students.
- The arrangement does not contain ISU cost sharing, matching funds, subawards or pass-through funding.
- The FFS must use a fee-for-service agreement on the Office of University Counsel (OUC) webpage or a customized fee-for-service agreement developed by OUC for the FFS. If the client requires use of the client's agreement, the agreement must be reviewed and approved by OUC prior to execution.
- See additional information and resources under Fee for Service heading at: https://www.universitycounsel.iastate.edu/contracting/assistance#Fee%20for%20Service
RM 12/9/24