Institutional Information to be Used for Proposal Applications

ASAP Number Automated Standard Application for Payments 1990068 (Primarily USDA)
BRS Number S07RR07034
CAGE Code 1   5J949
Congressional District for Iowa State University   IA-004 (effective 11/2002)
Congressional Districts for all of Iowa
Contractor ID Number   1998C248836
Cognizant Federal Audit Agency  
Division of Cost Allocation
Dept. of Health and Human Services (DHHS)
Arif Karim, Director
1301 Young Street, Room 732
Dallas, TX 75202
Phone: 214-767-3261
Cost Accounting Standard (CAS) Disclosure Statement:   December 22, 1998
Cognizant Office: Division of Cost Allocation, DHHS, Charles J. Seed, Washington, DC
Date Iowa law was signed to establish the institution that would become Iowa State University   March 22, 1858
Scanned copy of document from ISU Archives (6 page PDF)
Date of Facilities and Administrative Cost Rate Agreement   June 26, 2019
DHHS and PHS Entity Number   1-42-600-4224-A1
DUNS Number   005309844
EIN (FEIN) Number   42-6004224
Facilities and Administrative Cost Rate Agreement – FY21-FY25   (PDF File, 6 pages)
Facilities and Administrative Cost Rate Agreement – FY20   (PDF File, 6 pages)
Facilities and Administrative Cost Rate Agreement - FY17-FY20   (PDF File, 6 pages)
FICE Code 2   001869
Land-Grant status   ISU is an 1862 Land-Grant Institution: based on the Morrill Land-Grant Act of 1862, approved by the Iowa General Assembly in 1864.
NAICS Codes   611310 Colleges, Universities,
and Professional Schools (verified 10/11/2007)
NSF Organization Code   0018697000
PHS Human Subjects Assurance   Federal Wide Assurance FWA00002678 (effective through February 16, 2026 )
PHS Animal Welfare Assurance ID #   A3236-01 (effective through June 30, 2023)
ISU founding as land-grant institution   1858
J-1 Visa Program number   can be obtained from the
International Education Services
Single Point of Contact   Single Point of Contact Letter (April 23, 2009) from State of Iowa in response to Executive Order 12372
State of Iowa's Single Audit Report
(A-133 Audit)
 For the Year ending June 30, 2020 (96 page PDF File). No findings for ISU.
SIC Code   8221 - Colleges, Universities,
and Professional Schools
System for Award Management (   Expiration Date: August 20, 2024

Tax Exempt Status (proof of non-profit status)

  Iowa State University (ISU) voluntarily rescinded our IRC 501(c)(3) status earlier in 2022.  ISU was established as a state-owned educational institution, and is not subject to federal income tax as a governmental agency of the state.  ISU remains a tax exempt entity under IRC 115 and contributions to ISU are tax deductible under IRC 170(c)(1).
W-9 Form – Completed by ISU and signed   The form is at the Division of Operations & Finance website under Useful Documents

Official signing for applicant organization:

[name varies depending on purpose, see Proposal, Awards, and Industry Contacts]
Office of Sponsored Programs Administration
1138 Pearson Hall, 505 Morrill Road
Ames, IA 50011-2103

Phone: (515)294-5225
Fax: (515) 294-8000


1The Commercial and Government Entity code is our number with the Defense Department's Central Contract Registration program and is used to direct our payments to the correct bank account.

2The six-digit institutional identifier assigned to each higher education (two-year and above) institution by the Federal Interagency Committee on Education (Dept. of Education).